Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's one of the few times I'll promote anything but here I go. The Mitten Mavens the Lansing Roller Derby League is having a fundraiser at Noodles and Company on May 5th from 4-9pm. By mentioning the Mitten Mavens 25% of the sale will go to the Mitten Mavens. Please support these women as they do what they love.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Heritage or History?

Grace Kelly's Gowns. You decide. I found this on Yahoo News.

London Museum Showcases Grace Kelly's Gowns

What is Worth Preserving?

Today I contacted WILX and WLNS to find video archives for our I-496 project and the response I got was "absolutely not". WILX mentioned how they could go back to 1989-1990 but no further. This led to the discussion what gets preserved and Akikwe one of the many and talented students in our class mentioned on the Library of Congress is going to preserve the Twitter Archives. It was funny she mentioned this because I just found the link on The Drudge Report that linked to a Wired article.

Twitter and the Library of Congress

Saturday, April 10, 2010

One More Thing...

about the Milwaukee Public Museum. If the purpose of the museum is to learn. Why does it cost an additional $14 to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. I mean I can understand a little extra for a special exhibit but $14. That additional fee forces the exclusion of many people who cannot afford or does not believe it is worth $14 to see this historical document. I wasn't going to spend $14 on it.

Blogging from Milwaukee

After spending hours upon hours at the State of Michigan Library I made the trek to Milwaukee. I could not believe how much we actually made it through at the library. While some sources had little to no relevance we still needed those to help guide our path. We all still had to take one book home for homework it could have been a lot worse. Their was now way I could ever conceive of getting through all of those volumes on my own.

Now, as I sit here at the Milwaukee Public Museum I just want to say what a great job they have done recreating items. I walk into the rain forest and the floor is simulated to look like the ground in the rain forest. The stone roads through the European villages section. The recreating of the rain forest, homes, businesses, and pretty much everything else was amazing. However, the layout troubled me. One moment I was in the rain forest and the next I was seeing stuff about biochemistry. The continents of the world blended together. They had too much going on. And the captions were another issue. Some were over labeled other exhibits lacked context. I had a hard time trying to understand how everything connected together. Overall, I had a very mixed experience at the Milwaukee Public.

Now I must go and take part in my favorite activity, shopping :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Boy, Have I Been in a Blogging Mood Today

This will probably be my last post before the Invasion of the State of Michigan Library tomorrow but I just want to say how helpful the librarians at Michigan State University. I come with this off the wall topic on Michigan Statehood (they were taken aback by it, because seriously how many people truly do research Michigan Statehood when they are 21). Even though I caught them off guard they quickly found two great sources and could not have been friendlier. For that I'm thankful. Now I feel even more confident on my final project and I'm definitely going to stick out with the founding of Michigan and the Toledo War.

Final Project

While I'm still undecided on what topic I'll take I'm still fascinated by the Toledo War. I was going through the Ohio Standards and was amazed they didn't mention statehood in their standards. They don't even have a year of state history like Michigan does. This amazes me.

I Think I see the Light

I'll know more tomorrow but I think I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel on the I-496 Project. I feel tomorrow will be a great day when a good chunk of the research team invades the Library of Michigan to hopefully find many of the loose ends that we are looking for.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why does everything have to happen at the end of the semester?

Everything is coming up at once and it is annoying me. I have to multitask just to keep up with everything. While I feel like we are making progress with the I-496 Project it just seems their is always something more. This is why I have not been able to dedicate my time to the individual project which is taking on so many different directions. I know I'm doing a lesson plan that was originally going to be on the Toledo War but while researching that I would like to compare and contrast Michigan's and Arkansas's admittance into the United States. With that being said I was researching the Democratic Republic of the Congo for another class and I would love to do a lesson plan on the DROC and the United States during the Cold War. With exams coming up in my ISP class (Psyhics) and my English Final Project and my Independent Study I just don't know how I'll get it all done. However in the words of one of my idols Tim Gunn "Make it Work." and that I will.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rant on the I-496

I am so confused right now and I have no clue what we are doing. I don't know what the other people have posted because I don't have the access. I really don't know what direction the project is going in. I am so confused because this to me has no structure and I work on structure. I feel like some of things I've found were never releavant.