Thursday, May 6, 2010

Last Mandatory Post

This is my last mandatory post for HST 480 while I'll probably continue I wanted to wrap up my experiences from the class. The most important thing I got was history does not matter unless it is shared. This can be through a museum or in a classroom, or grandmama passing down stories of her past. History must be shown if it is not it does not exist.

I'll never look at a museum the same way again. As our group prepared and designed our project I gained so much more respect for the workers. We dug and dug and dug and still did not dig enough. We found almost everything we could and it still did not seemed enough. Then to top all off I have to analyze everything differently at a museum. I kind of touched on this when I discussed my trip to Milwaukee but I had to judge everything. I had to analyze every little detail and determine what audience they were going for and does the exhibit talk to me.

Also, I want to thank all my classmates. I wouldn't have survived without you. There is no way I could have done everything we did in that class without you.

And finally, thank you Professor Knupfer. As much as I complained about everything it was rewarding. I developed new skills and new ways to analyze everything.

Hopefully, we can still all say hi to each other and hopefully we will work together one day.


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