Saturday, January 22, 2011

Was it Really My Worst Subbing Day Ever?

On Thursday my Facebook status was Worst Sub Day Ever. I was left no plans, the ninth grade buddies that were suppose to come had a half day and did not and to top it all off a new student arrived that day. Needless to say I was running around the building like a chicken with my head cut off. Then I realized it was probably my best sub day ever. I proved to myself that even though I was stressed, angry, and frantically running around I was able to maintain my classroom and keep my class running normally. I was blessed that I was in a building I was familiar with and knew the staff and the normal routine. Even though the stressed showed and I am sure my children noticed I kept going and complained every second of it but survived and isn't that what a teacher is suppose to do maintain the classroom and keep learning going even with everything falling apart? And even though my students saw my stress they still said I was their favorite sub, so at least I made an impact on them. However, I learned the most important thing about teaching, TEAMWORK!!!. I could not have done without all the help I recieved that day from the neighboring third grade teacher, a fourth grade teacher, and of course the most important person in the building the secretary. These women helped me and I cannot thank them enough. Without this team I would not have survived. This proved to me their is no I in teacher and this experience has forever taught me that I cannot do it alone.

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