Monday, January 25, 2010

Do I Really Care About Heritage?

While reading The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History by David Lowenthal it struck me that I don't connect myself with my heritage. I barely know my family as it is and I can only go back two generations before I have no clue who anyone is in our family. I am at a disconnect. I love my family but I don't want to inherit their legacy. However, in a generation of hoarders (myself included) we cannot let our legacies go. I have more books than any normal person has but I won't let go of them because I want my children to read the same books I did. I still have every assignment I have ever done since Kindergarten. How can a person on one hand feel such a disconnect and non-wanting of his families heritage but won't let go of his? I don't know but I'll be looking for that answer.

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