Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Raynor House

What questions would a visitor ask?

Who was John Raynor?

When did he come to the area?

Why is he important?

What questions would a Historian ask?

What is the importance of this building to the community?

What impact did John Raynor make?

Why did he settle in this area?

Who owns the house now?

(Edited January 14, 2010)


  1. After seeing this picture with no other information, I have to say that I was asking myself a lot of the questions that you have posted. Where is this place? Who is John Raynor? Why is he important? Why is this building important? etc. I tried a quick google search but was unsuccessful.

  2. John Raynor is one of the founders of Mason, MI. This was his home when he came to settle.
