Monday, February 1, 2010

Alaska's History Education Standards

While reading through these standards it made me realize how state focus their history is. All there standards begin with Alaska then the time period. This is partly because Alaska became part of the United States in the 1950s. Most of their history was outside of the United States. However, their standards do not include American History in general or general World History. State pride is something Alaskans take seriously. (This is why Sarah Palin has gone rogue :) ). These standards are pretty specific but they give the teacher room to add too them and fit them into your curriculum. More importantly thing in the standards is that history does change when new evidence is discovered. This is important because it shows students history is not finalized and that it can change.

I can guarantee if I was to teach in Alaska after my time at Michigan State I would not be prepared because I get nothing on Alaskan history at Michigan State. It might be thrown into one of my classes but it is how Alaska became apart of the United States.

To see the standards you can go to the link below.

Alaska State Standards

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