Friday, February 12, 2010

The Enola Gay

I feel guilty that I haven't posted about this sooner but I still really do not have a full understanding of the situation. The Enola Gay was the bomber that dropped the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima as one of the final actions to end World War II. This event was to commemorate the 50th anniversary and was to be exhibited at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. However the Air Force Association (AFA) protested it because they believed it was to critical of the United States. This leads to many questions with the most important one being should we cover up bad history. This is the history that is negative of the United States. Should we only highlight our successes. I believe the answer to this is no. Personally, I've learned more from my failures as a result by only focusing on the positives we will never learn. We will take for granted our success and we will not realize that we have failed. This proves museums are for heritage and not history or this exhibit would not be cancelled. Below is a link for an AFA Report on the Enola Gay and why they were against it.

Air Force Association and the Enola Gay Adobe is required

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