Saturday, April 10, 2010

Blogging from Milwaukee

After spending hours upon hours at the State of Michigan Library I made the trek to Milwaukee. I could not believe how much we actually made it through at the library. While some sources had little to no relevance we still needed those to help guide our path. We all still had to take one book home for homework it could have been a lot worse. Their was now way I could ever conceive of getting through all of those volumes on my own.

Now, as I sit here at the Milwaukee Public Museum I just want to say what a great job they have done recreating items. I walk into the rain forest and the floor is simulated to look like the ground in the rain forest. The stone roads through the European villages section. The recreating of the rain forest, homes, businesses, and pretty much everything else was amazing. However, the layout troubled me. One moment I was in the rain forest and the next I was seeing stuff about biochemistry. The continents of the world blended together. They had too much going on. And the captions were another issue. Some were over labeled other exhibits lacked context. I had a hard time trying to understand how everything connected together. Overall, I had a very mixed experience at the Milwaukee Public.

Now I must go and take part in my favorite activity, shopping :)

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