Saturday, April 10, 2010

One More Thing...

about the Milwaukee Public Museum. If the purpose of the museum is to learn. Why does it cost an additional $14 to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. I mean I can understand a little extra for a special exhibit but $14. That additional fee forces the exclusion of many people who cannot afford or does not believe it is worth $14 to see this historical document. I wasn't going to spend $14 on it.


  1. The museum went to great expense to bring this exhibit to Milwaukee. There were loan fees, courier fees from Jordan, Israel, France, Switzerland, England, and within the US at the beginning, middle and end of the exhibit, packing and shipping fees both coming and going, insurance fees, increased security fees, exhibit production expenses, etc. In order to provide Milwaukee and the surrounding area the opportunity to see these priceless objects, the museum needs to charge this fee. It covers expenses and helps to make sure that the museum is still around to provide these types of exhibits as well as all of the other things that it does.

  2. Thanks Ellen for this additional information. I appreciate the museum for bringing this exhibit in. The main point I was getting at is the access to history and how it leaves certain groups out. My biggest fear as a teacher and a consumer is that people when they lose access due to cost is that people will not value it as much as they should.

  3. Also, Ellen I'm interested in how you found this blog post and if you are affiliated with the Milwaukee Public Museum?
