Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why does everything have to happen at the end of the semester?

Everything is coming up at once and it is annoying me. I have to multitask just to keep up with everything. While I feel like we are making progress with the I-496 Project it just seems their is always something more. This is why I have not been able to dedicate my time to the individual project which is taking on so many different directions. I know I'm doing a lesson plan that was originally going to be on the Toledo War but while researching that I would like to compare and contrast Michigan's and Arkansas's admittance into the United States. With that being said I was researching the Democratic Republic of the Congo for another class and I would love to do a lesson plan on the DROC and the United States during the Cold War. With exams coming up in my ISP class (Psyhics) and my English Final Project and my Independent Study I just don't know how I'll get it all done. However in the words of one of my idols Tim Gunn "Make it Work." and that I will.

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